How to Stop Projector Screen Curling (6 Ways to Fix) 

Having a projector screen that is curling up at the corners can be very frustrating, especially if you’re trying to watch something or give a presentation. 

Curling projector screens can not only make it difficult to see what’s on the screen, but they also take away from the overall aesthetic of your space. 

Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can fix this issue and get your projector screen to look like new again. 

In this article, we’ll discuss six ways to stop your projector screen from curling so you can enjoy clear visuals without distractions.

How to Fix Projector Screen Curling

1. Properly Install Screen

When installing a projector screen, it’s important to ensure you do the job properly to avoid issues such as curling. 

You should start by ensuring the surface you’re mounting the screen on is even and secure, then use screws or nails to mount it in place. 

Pay careful attention when drilling holes into the surface, and be sure to use a drill bit with enough power and torque for the job. 

Once mounted, ensure that all edges are firmly secured down so they don’t become loose or curl up over time. 

Besides, when taking down or storing the projector screen, take care not to handle it roughly, as this could cause it to curl prematurely.

2. Store the screen properly

Storing a projector screen properly can help you to prevent curling. So, ensure to keep the screen rolled up when not in use and stored away from moisture, dust, and direct sunlight. 

Also, store the projector screen in a cool, dry area that does not experience extreme temperature changes. 

Before putting the projector screen away in storage, make sure to clean it with a soft cloth and gentle cleaning solution. 

Also, consider investing in a case or cover specifically made for projector screens to protect them even more while they are not being used.

3. Clean the Screen Regularly

Cleaning your projector screen on a regular basis is also essential for maintaining its optimal performance. 

Dirt and dust collected on the screen can cause a disruption in light transmission, which can lead to a blurred or distorted image. 

A simple cleaning using a gentle microfiber cloth is often sufficient to remove dirt and dust particles and keep the screen looking like new. 

If stubborn spots remain, using a water-dampened cloth may help to dislodge them. You should take care of the screen to ensure long life and crisp picture quality. 

Note: It’s important to avoid harsh cleaning agents that are too abrasive, as they could damage the protective coating of the projector screen. 

4. Adjust the Tension on the Screen

One of the main causes of a projector screen curling is a tension that is either not evenly distributed or too high. 

You can solve this issue by adjusting the tension on the screen so it’s evenly distributed across all sides. You can do this by loosening or tightening the spring-loaded mounting screw. 

Adjust each screw slightly at a time until you have achieved an even tension from side to side and top to bottom. Ensure not to over-tighten, as this could damage the frame or cause it to warp. 

Once you have adjusted the tension, use a spirit level to ensure the edges are perfectly straight before securing them with locking screws.

5. Control Humidity Levels

The air inside a room has the potential to cause projector screens to curl due to excessive humidity. In order to prevent this, it is important to control the humidity levels within a room. 

One way of doing this is by keeping the relative humidity in the range of 30-50%, as anything higher than that can lead to condensation and thus create an environment in which it is more likely for the screen material to curl. 

The other way of controlling humidity levels is by using dehumidifiers or air conditioners. Both of these devices can be used to reduce the amount of moisture in the air. 

6. Seek Professional Guidance 

When dealing with a projector screen curling issue, it is important to seek the advice of a professional. 

An expert in this field will have the knowledge and training necessary to identify the cause of the issue and recommend an appropriate solution. 

There are a variety of possible causes for this problem, such as improper installation or insulation or a faulty projector itself. 


How do I keep my projector screen flat?

Make sure the screen is mounted securely to a flat surface, or use tensioning bars and/or gravity stops to keep it in place. 

Also, avoid exposing the projection screen to direct sunlight, as this can cause it to curl or warp over time.

How do you fix a roll-up projector screen?

To fix a roll-up projector screen, securely mount it to a flat surface, use tensioning bars/gravity stops, and avoid direct sunlight.

How do I make my projector not crooked?

Securely mount the projector to a flat surface and use tensioning bars and/or gravity stops to keep it in place. Avoid direct sunlight exposure, which can cause warping over time.

Why is my projector screen not straight?

The projector screen may not be straight due to improper mounting, exposure to direct sunlight, or lack of tensioning bars/gravity stops.

Final Words

These are ways you can solve your projector screen curling problem:

  • Properly Install Screen
  • Store the screen properly
  • Clean the Screen Regularly
  • Adjust the Tension on the Screen
  • Control Humidity Levels


What are ways to control humidity in the room