Why Is My Projector Purple (Cause & Fixes)

Have you ever noticed that the images coming from your projector are tinted purple? This is a common issue and can be caused by several different factors. 

In this article, we will be looking at the possible causes of why your projector may have a purple hue, as well as some solutions to help fix it. 

So if you’ve been wondering why your projector is purple, read on for the answer. 

Let’s dive in!

Why Is My Projector Purple

Here are a few common causes for your projector to go purple. 

1. Bad HDMI or VGA Connection 

The purple hue on your projector is likely caused by a bad connection from the HDMI or VGA cable.

This could mean that the cable itself is faulty, or there is a weak signal being provided by the device it’s connected to. 

In order to ensure the best quality video output, make sure that both ends of the cable are securely plugged in and that all connections are clean. 

You should also check if you’re using the right type of HDMI or VGA cables for your device. If you don’t know the compatible cable for your device, read the owner’s manual. 

 If you’re still experiencing issues with color quality, then you may need to test out different cables and configurations until you find one that works correctly with your setup.

2. Wrong Type of Incoming Signals 

If the projector is displaying a purple hue, it’s likely due to the wrong type of incoming signal. This issue is related to the way that different video formats are encoded and sent over various cables. 

Incompatible signal types can cause discoloration or distortion when displayed on your projector. 

You can solve it by checking the video source you’re connected from and make sure it is sending out a compatible signal type for your projector. 

If you don’t know which type to use, consult your projector’s manual or contact its manufacturer for assistance.

3. Faulty Projector Lamp 

The other causes of a purple projector can be traced back to the projector lamp itself. When the projector’s bulb has become worn out or is about to fail, it will often produce a discoloration effect with purplish hues. 

This is caused by the phosphor inside the projector lamp not emitting light in a uniform fashion and instead producing an uneven amount of light in multiple colors rather than just white. 

If your projector is displaying purple tones, it could be due to a failing lamp and it can be solved by replacing the lamp with a new one..

4. Overheated 

Overheating is a common issue with projectors, and it can cause the image to become blurry or distorted. It can also result in an unpleasant purple hue being cast on the screen.

This is caused by excessive heat damaging certain components of the projector, such as the lamp, power supply, or cooling fan. 

Fortunately, this problem is usually easy to fix if you take appropriate action quickly enough. You should inspect the device to find the reason for its overheating. 

In order to prevent your projector from overheating, ensure that it’s placed in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and any other sources of heat. 

Additionally, ensure that all vents are kept free from dust buildup so that air can circulate properly around your projector at all times.

5. Dirty Lens

A dirty projector lens can cause the whole image to take on a purple hue. This is because dirt and dust particles can scatter light and cause it to reflect off of the lens at different angles, making it appear purple. 

Dust or other contaminants can also interfere with the color calibration of the projector, causing colors to be distorted and resulting in a purple hue. 

You can avoid it by regularly cleaning your projector lens with a soft cloth or brush designed specifically for use on lenses.

6. Defective Air Filter

A defective air filter in a projector can be the cause of a purple or magenta tint appearing on the projected image. 

The air filter is responsible for preventing dust, dirt, and other debris from getting into the projector’s optical engine, where it could potentially damage delicate components like lenses and mirrors.

If the air filter is compromised due to age or clogged with particles, it can allow more blue light than normal to pass through. 

This extra blue hue will mix with the other colors of light emitted by the projector and create an unnatural purple hue on any images being projected. 

In this situation, replacing a worn-out or clogged air filter with a new one can help restore crisp, clear images without any unwanted color tints.

7. Contact Support

If you are still experiencing the problem with your projector displaying a purple tint, you will need to contact customer support. 

The manufacturer team will be able to help you in this situation and provide you with a few other possible solutions. 


How Does a Color Wheel Work in a Projector?

A color wheel in a projector filters out white light, which is composed of all the colors of the visible spectrum. 

The wheel has several segments with different colored filters that allow certain colors to pass through and block others. 

As it spins around, illumination from each segment casts the desired color onto whatever surface you choose.

How Do I Fix the Color on My Projector?

Check the connections between the projector and your source device, check to make sure no color filters are over the lens, and adjust settings in the Projector’s menu. 

You should also try resetting it to factory defaults. If all else fails, you may need to replace or repair a part of the projector.

Why Does My Projector Have a Yellow Tint?

This is usually caused by the color wheel in the projector being misaligned or damaged, resulting in only certain colors being allowed to pass through.

Final Words

These are possible solutions that will solve your projector purple screen issue:

  • Bad HDMI or VGA Connection 
  • Wrong Type of Incoming Signals 
  • Faulty Projector Lamp 
  • Overheated 
  • Dirty Lens
  • Defective Air Filter


How to replace the projector bulb

How to clean projector air filter