Can All Projector Do Rear Projection (Step-by-Step)

Do all projectors have the capability to do rear projection? This is a question that many people ask when considering their projector options.

In this article, we will explore the world of projectors and answer this question in more detail. We’ll look at what rear projection is and whether all projectors can do it or not.

So, let’s dive right in!

Can All Projector Do Rear Projection

No, not all projectors are capable of rear projection. It requires the projector to be placed behind the screen and projected from the back of the screen instead of the traditional setup. 

This kind of setup is used for larger displays and special installations that require more control over where people are sitting relative to the projector.

Some projectors have this capability built-in, while others may require an external kit to set up a rear projection system.

So, here are a few factors that can be considered for why all projectors cannot do the rear projection. 

1. Throw Ratio

The throw ratio is a key factor in determining what type of projector is right for you. Rear projection requires a projector with a longer throw ratio that will allow the image to reach far enough from the front of the screen to appear on the wall or screen behind it.

2. Keystone Correction

Most modern projectors feature a keystone correction capability that allows for the image to be displayed at an angle.

This feature can make it possible for a projector to function as a rear projection device in certain situations.

3. Light Output

These types of projectors often have much higher light output than normal projectors, allowing for larger images and movies to be viewed more clearly.

Additionally, they are often used in auditoriums and other large spaces where the projector needs to be placed behind the audience in order to not cause distraction or disruption due to their size and brightness.

4. Screen Material

Rear projection requires a special type of projector that is designed to project an image onto a rear projection surface or screen material.

These screens typically have a matte finish that diffuses the light so it can be seen from both sides, allowing for images to be projected from behind the screen.

The most common rear projection materials include vinyl, fabric, and plastic. Vinyl is the most affordable option and provides good clarity, while fabric and plastic offer the best picture quality.

What is Rear Projection 

Rear projection is displaying an image or video on a screen or wall by projecting light from the rear of the display and through a transparent material, such as glass or plastic, to produce an image.

The rear projection can provide a larger, brighter image than traditional front-projection methods and can also be used in small spaces.

The main drawback to this technology is that it requires frequent maintenance due to the high wear rate of projector lamps.

Rear Vs Front Projection

Rear projection and front projection are two common display types used in projecting images and videos.

Rear projection is an imaging technology that projects an image onto the back of a translucent screen.

While front projection is an imaging technology that projects the image directly onto a flat surface or screen.

AspectFront ProjectionRear Projection
InstallationRequires projector in front of the screenRequires projector behind the screen
Image QualitySensitive to ambient light interferenceLess affected by ambient light, reduced glare and shadows
Screen MaterialStandard screen materialsSpecialized rear projection materials
AestheticsProjector may obstruct the viewClean setup, projector hidden from view
Setup ComplexityRelatively simple setupRequires precise alignment and adjustments
CostGenerally more affordableRear projection equipment and specialized screens can be costly

Is Rear Projection or Front Projection Better?

Front projection is better for most situations. Front projection creates a brighter image, which can be seen in any ambient lighting condition and from many angles.

It also produces visuals with larger contrast ratios than rear projections where the projected light has to pass through the material first before reaching the viewers’ eyes.

Rear projection requires darker environments and is limited to viewing angles that are near; parallel to the screen’s surface, making it less flexible.


Which one do we need: a new screen or a new projector for rear projection?

It depends on the type of setup you have. For example, if your existing projector is still working but the screen needs to be replaced, then a new screen would be needed.

 If the projector is not working correctly, then a new projector would need to be purchased.

Can we utilize the rear projection screen for front projection?

No, rear projection screens are not suitable for front projection.

Can I use a regular projector with rear projection?

No, you cannot use a regular projector with rear projection. Rear projection requires a specialized projector designed specifically for this purpose since it needs to be powerful enough to project an image through the material onto the wall behind it. 

What is the ideal throw ratio for rear projection?

The ideal throw ratio for rear projection is usually 2.5:1 or less. This means that the distance from the projector to the screen should be two and a half times the width of the image being projected.

For example, if you are projecting an 80-inch wide image, then your optimal projection distance would be 200 inches (5 meters). 

Higher throw ratios can also work depending on the environment and setup.

Do I need a specific screen for rear projection?

Yes, you will need a specific screen for rear projection. This screen should be designed to absorb and disperse the light emanating from the projector.

A matte white finish is generally recommended because it provides a more even, diffused image that won’t wash out in bright lighting conditions.

Are there any limitations to rear projection?

Yes, there are several limitations to rear projection. These include limited viewing angles, dimming of images when viewed from wide angles, narrow peaks in brightness and color reproduction, long throw distance required for large images, image wash-out caused by ambient light and low contrast ratios. 


Front or rear; which projection is better?

Front or rear projection; which is better?